shew. life. is. busy.
remember last time when i said both girls were healthy? a day later, mady had strep throat. in the future, i won't make such bold statements, for it's sure to come back to haunt me!
today was one of those days. have you ever had one of those days? nothing major goes wrong. but every little thing seems to go wrong. for instance...2 year old wakes up at 5:30am. then decides to venture into 10 month old's bedroom because surely it's time for her to wake up too. and maybe you also forgot to take your allergy medicine before you left for work. and perhaps said 2 year old throws a royal fit upon drop off at daycare. maybe then you get to work to realize that 2 of your co-workers won't be at work today...which means a very busy day for you. feel free to imagine how the day continues.
we've all had them. those days. BUT, it can only get better. and it always does.
so about the time i started feeling pretty grumpy, i remembered.
it's a beautiful spring day today.
i have the cutest babies on earth (seriously...ask my husband:) )
and my hubs ain't bad either ;)
i have the BEST helpers! i don't even have to ask!

life is full of new and exciting possibilities!
(we are fortunate enough to have friends with connections to a horse farm. we recently discovered madyson's new love! look out aunt crystal...i see your future. it involves giving some serious riding lessons to this girl! )

that's what i remembered. that, and i have everything.
today wasn't so bad after all.